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Your WORK. Your WORTH.

St. Louis Sexual Harassment Lawyer

More Than 30 Years Serving St. Louis for All Employment Law Needs

St. Louis Sexual Harassment Attorney

Serving St. Louis, St. Charles & Jefferson Counties – 314-528-9661

Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that affects thousands of people each year. Male and female employees alike are harassed and face hostile work environments because of this form of discrimination. There are many different types of sexual harassment, and the term broadly covers various illegal forms of harassment.

If you or a loved one is dealing with sexual harassment at work, it is vital that you contact an attorney from Riggan Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible. By retaining the representation of the firm’s dedicated team, you may be able to file a claim against your employer or the individual who has been harassing you.

Why Call Our Employment Law Firm?

  • 30+ Years of Combined Experience
  • Selected for Super Lawyers® and Best Lawyers®
  • AV® Rating for Ethical Standards and Legal Ability
  • Millions of Dollars Recovered on Clients’ Behalves

If you have been wrongfully victimized and harassed, you are not only protected from discrimination and harassment, but you are also protected by the law from retaliation by your employer. If you file a sexual harassment complaint or bring to light the wrongs that are being caused to you, your employer is not allowed to fire you, demote you, or retaliate against you in any manner.

If you are aware that your right to a safe workplace is being violated, then it is important that you contact Riggan Law Firm, LLC in St. Louis, MO as soon as possible.

If you are facing any of the following employment law situations, contact our experienced St. Louis employment law attorneys at 314-528-9661 as soon as possible.

Sexual harassment can refer to:

  • Verbal or Written Harassment – Inappropriate comments about a person’s body or clothing; asking a person out on a date; crude jokes or spreading rumors; threatening a person if they do not perform a sexual act; or implying that sexual favors are desired can be considered sexual harassment.
  • Non-verbal Harassment – Inappropriate eye contact, facial expressions, stalking, or rude gestures that are sexual in nature.
  • Visual Harassment – Photos, emails, or any media that can suggest sexual acts or favors.
  • Physical Sexual Harassment – Often the most threatening form of sexual harassment, this can include sexual assault, unwanted touching or groping, hugs, taps, and /or tugging of a person’s clothes.

In most cases, the victim of sexual harassment has endured repeated and severe incidents of harassment. Under federal law, all discriminatory and sexual harassment is forbidden, and employers are responsible for preventing and handling workplace sexual harassment cases that occur while an employee is on the job.

Enlist the Help of Riggan Law Firm, LLC to Safeguard Your Rights

No one wants to work in an environment that is uncomfortable, much less one that is hostile. Victims of sexual harassment need to act immediately and retain the representation of a dedicated employment law attorney. At Riggan Law Firm, LLC, the sexual harassment attorney stands ready to provide you with outstanding legal assistance in your time of need. You should never have to worry about retaliation or threats, and you no longer have to when you work with our St. Louis, Missouri sexual harassment lawyers at Riggan Law Firm, LLC for your sexual harassment claims.

Complete the case evaluation form or contact the firm at to learn how Riggan Law Firm, LLC can help you.

Why Choose Riggan Law Firm, LLC

  • Attentive Communication with Every Client
  • Award-Winning Legal Defense
  • Avvo Rated 9.5
  • Over 30 Years of Combined Experience