Your WORK. Your WORTH.
Your WORK. Your WORTH.

St. Louis Whistleblowing Lawyer

More Than 30 Years Serving St. Louis for All Employment Law Needs

St. Louis Whistleblowing Attorney

Revealing Wrongful Actions of Employers in Jefferson, St. Charles, and St. Louis Counties—Call 314-528-9661.

A person is considered a whistleblower if they disclose what they believe to be incriminating evidence against a company or organization that is performing illegal or dishonest activities with or against employees or is in direct violation of a law or regulation. If you are a whistleblower and have shed light on a wrong being done in a work environment, then it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible. You have rights, and they deserve to be protected. Call our St. Louis employment law attorneys at Riggan Law Firm, LLC to see how we can help you today.

Why Call Our Employment Law Firm?

  • 30+ Years of Combined Experience
  • Selected for Super Lawyers® and Best Lawyers®
  • AV® Rating for Ethical Standards and Legal Ability
  • Millions of Dollars Recovered on Clients’ Behalves

Working with an Attorney Who Can Help Protect You

There are multiple federal and Missouri state laws that protect the rights of whistleblowers, some dating back as early as 1863. The False Claims Act, which was revised in 1986, protects the rights of government workers. On top of the numerous laws and regulations that are in place to ensure that the rights of whistleblowers are kept safe, there are also legal professionals who work hard to protect whistleblowers from reprisal and retaliation. If you or a loved one is being wronged by a company that was exposed for wrongdoing or for posing a threat to public well-being, you should contact Riggan Law Firm, LLC in St. Louis, MO as soon as possible.

By having our law firm on your side, you can rest assured that your case will be handled in a competent and efficient manner. Our team will work hard to aggressively defend your rights and ensure your freedoms are protected in your time of need. Speak with our St. Louis employment law attorney today about your Missouri whistleblowing case to make sure your rights stay protected.

If you are considering moving forward with your case and speaking with a St. Louis attorney about the rights you have as a whistleblower, you need to contact Riggan Law Firm, LLC at 314-528-9661 as soon as possible.

Why Choose Riggan Law Firm, LLC

  • Attentive Communication with Every Client
  • Award-Winning Legal Defense
  • Avvo Rated 9.5
  • Over 30 Years of Combined Experience