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How Do Missouri’s Employment Laws Protect Workers in Hostile Work Environments?

How Do Missouri’s Employment Laws Protect Workers in Hostile Work Environments?

Firm News

What Are Missouri’s Employment Laws?

Missouri’s labor laws uphold fairness, equitable compensation, and employee safety in the workplace. The laws provide enhanced protections beyond federal mandates, including a higher minimum wage and additional healthcare coverage in smaller firms. Examples of employment laws include those that touch on the following:

  • Wages and hours in Missouri, such as minimum wages, overtime pay, and pay transparency
  • Meal breaks and rest periods
  • Leaves of absence
  • Workplace safety
  • Discrimination and harassment

Employers who violate these rules could be considered to be subjecting workers to hostile work environments and risk facing severe legal consequences. If you believe you have been a victim of a hostile work environment, seek the legal counsel of a skilled attorney from a law firm in Kirkwood.

What Qualifies as a Hostile Work Environment?

Harassment in the workplace based on religion, sex, race, age, religion, or other protected factors is considered hostile. A hostile environment also entails offensive conduct, such as:

  • Ongoing patterns of intimidation
  • Unwanted sexual advances
  • Physical touching or interference with official duties
  • Verbal harassment
  • Exclusion
  • Marginalization
  • Macroaggression
  • Digital stalking or inappropriate videos or calls.

Federal anti-discrimination laws prohibit behavior that creates a hostile work environment. An employment law attorney in Missouri says that if you are harassed at the workplace, you can complain of the offensive conduct, and your employer should take action to stop it.

Failure by the employer to end the hostility can make you entitled to monetary compensation for the losses you incurred. Sexual harassment is often the most common issue in hostile work environments. It usually entails offensive jokes, comments, gestures, words, or other materials concerning one’s gender.

The Threshold of Harassment Impact

Not every offensive comment or behavior equates to a hostile work environment. Therefore, courts examine the specific circumstances around the events. Harassment crosses the line when it substantially affects the victim’s work conditions, leading to an abusive environment. The threshold of the impact is critical when courts consider the validity of a hostile work environment claim.

A hostile environment may be determined on a case-by-case basis, generally based on the following factors:

  • The conducted is repetitive and pervasive enough, or
  • A one-time offense is bad enough in itself to be hostile

The assessment is dual-fold, considering a plaintiff’s subjective perception and objectivity in the evaluation. A skilled employment law attorney in Missouri can evaluate your case and advise whether you may have a legal claim. They can also help you pursue compensation for any income you lost because of the harassment and damages for emotional distress.

Can I Sue My Employer for Subjecting Me to a Hostile Work Environment?

Employers must take preemptive measures to prevent and reduce hostile work environments, such as implementing robust anti-discriminatory policies. They also should provide ethical guidance and anti-harassment training. If you complain about a hostile work environment, your employer should investigate and take corrective action.

Unfortunately, some employers retaliate against employees who complain about hostile work environments. The law protects employees from retaliatory actions such as transfers to new departments, schedule changes, demotions, or firing.

You can sue your employer if they respond to your complaint against a hostile work environment by punishing you. A Missouri employment law attorney can provide legal counsel and representation to uphold your rights as an employee.

How Can I Prove a Hostile Work Environment in a Lawsuit?

When filing a lawsuit based on a hostile working environment, you must be prepared to produce sufficient evidence. A skilled lawyer advises that you record the incidents of harassment or discrimination as they happen. Collect communication records such as text messages, emails, or call logs showing evidence of hostile conduct.

During the proceedings, you must prove the following crucial elements of a hostile work environment:

  • You were harassed or discriminated against because of your age, religion, race, sexual orientation, or other characteristic
  • The treatment was unwarranted
  • The behavior was consistent for an extended period
  • The harassment affected your employment term, condition, or an employment privilege
  • You reported the harassment to your employer, or they should have known about it, but they didn’t take action to stop it.

Additionally, you must demonstrate facts entitling you to the remedy you seek. For example, you must show that you suffered economic loss and deserve compensation.

What Remedies Are Available in a Hostile Work Environment Lawsuit?

Missouri law requires you to show an evil motive or reckless indifference to justify a punitive damages award. However, state and federal laws and the Missouri Human Rights Act (MHRA) impose a cap on the value of punitive damages that an employer may recover. Federal law limits range from $50,000 for small employers to $300,000 for larger employers.

The amount of punitive and compensatory damages allowed by the MHRA is between $50,000 and $500,000, depending on the employer’s size. Work with a skilled Missouri employment law lawyer to ensure you recover the maximum compensation amount possible.

A Skilled Employment Law Attorney Providing Legal Guidance on Your Rights in a Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment can present itself in various ways, including harassment, intimidation, or discrimination. The conduct is offensive, abusive, and severe to the extent it affects an employee’s productivity. If you’re a victim of a hostile work environment, you can pursue legal action if your employer has not taken action to end the hostility.

A skilled Missouri employment law attorney at the Riggan Law Firm, LLC, can look into your case and evaluate if you have a valid claim.

We understand how frustrating it can be to face discrimination, retaliation, or harassment at work and can offer aggressive representation to protect your rights. No matter the employment law issue you face, we are here to help. Call us at 314-528-9661 to get started on your legal strategy.

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